so oakley is making a movie with acclaimed/badass filmaker Justin Stephens, called Push Process. josh actually came up with the name. its a HUGE undertaking that they're almost done with actually. Matty Swanson, the Oakley wake/snow team manager/cheerleader, is the mastermind of the entire thing. so they invited josh along for this brazil adventure, and lucky me got to go with him. Oakley went completely over the top with this thing. we had a yacht we we're travelling the Rio Negro River on (fittingly called the Freedom), a boat crew that took care of EVERYTHING, cooks, 2 wake boats and a sea-doo in tow, air-conditioned rooms, showers, everything. it was insane.
the players.
amber wing. (wakeboarder/aussie star)

me. (second photographer/assistant)
josh. (photographer/visionary)
matty swanson. (mastermind/team dad)
marc shonka. (filmer/big teddy bear/self-defecator)
jack blodgett. (filmer/wakeboarder/prankster)
danny hampson. (wakeskater/fountain of optimism/friend)
it started out with 40 total hours of travelling, for what should have been about 8-10. six airports.
not included are the actual travel times for we did not document them and i cannot remember.
orlando to miami.
miami to sao paulo, brazil.
sao paulo to brasilia.
brasilia to manaus.
that totalled 40 hours... ugh. a flight from miami to manaus, brazil is only 8 hours!
but storms in miami, turned 8 into 40.
but it was worth it.
airport art:

we finally got there.
so we stayed in this insane hotel. which turned out to be the wrong one. we we're supposed to stay in the business tropical hotel. and went to the tropical hotel. it was like something out of a hitchcock movie... ooolllddd place, musty. no ac. we strolled in at like 3 or 4 am. and there was this huge family just finishing up dinner and many, many drinks. it was crazy. literally fell into a wet bed. if i hadn't been so exhausted i don't know if i would have been able to sleep in that bed. sleeping in the beds felt like sleeping on a wet paper towel.
the next day we boarderd our vessel.
our main focus, obviously was wakeboarding. here are some of my images. i just sort of tagged along, assisting josh obviously. but Matty wanted me to shoot a crap-load too to get a lot of complimentary images.
the travel/documentary/product stuff first.

and now some of the action.
keep an eye out for the movie. it premieres in november... should be amazing!
i called you a lucky bastard before and then felt mean.
from the monkey chip offer to the aerial boat driver is a nice group.
its all a nice group, but i really enjoyed those in succession.
lucky bastard.
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