first order of business: the tour.
the plan was simple. we (my sister and I) we're to fly to phoenix. pick up jason. pack up a 2004, er so, dodge dakota to the fucking brim. and start driving east. we packled all kinds of camping stuff, and the plan was to camp along the way the nights that we did not stay in hotels. needless to say, things didn't exactly go as planned. they never do, however. i'm not going to do a play-by-play of the tour because my much more talented sister documented the entire thing via a Royal typewriter. we're oh-so bohemian. look out cause the ferguson's are producing. this story will get out. give it time. meanwhile go check out jason.
jason bethea:
time frame: june 16th to july 4th, 2007.
here are the photos. they are in chronological order.
plane to phoenix.

open country via dodge dakota.

self portrait: jason.

mountain gas station/indian casino.

desert sunset.

on the way to austin, tx we took a detour to salem cemetary. following a whim/rusty sign.

we saw some local color. texas longhorn.

into austin. great bars. first show. carousel lounge. interesting place to say the least.

drove through the bayous.

camped to the orchestration of cicadas and crickets in louisiana. HOT.

we drank. a lot.

and then... the big easy.

jason played at a really amazing coffeeshop called Neutral Grounds. it was really great.

then we had to leave. :(
and we we're onto savannah.

there's a lot more. this should give a little idea of the adventure.
i left the tour on july 4th. flew home. got up the next day and went right back to the airport and embarked on my next journey to brazil.
that proved to be much more of an adventure.
keep an eye out for oakley's movie push process. drops november. i may have a few cameo's.
great job man! Those photos, more or less summed up that trip in a nutshell better than i had imagined. Write another one, i am bored.
yeah, some of those are really really real, and real nice too. i like alot of them alot, i'm lookin forward to see ing more!
i took your advice joined the cool kid club.
these are great.
the one of jason, with the elephant, needs to be printed huge... and displayed in a ornate/obnoxious/gaudy/gold? frame.
i can see it now.
hung over the mantel.
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