
and one last Twin Peaks entry...

"Once upon a time there was a place of great goodness, called The White Lodge. Gentle fawns dappled there amongst happy laughing spirits. The sounds of innocence and joy filled the air. And when it rained, it rained sweet nectar that infused one's heart with the desire to live life in truth and beauty. Generally speaking, a ghastly place.. reeking of virtue's sour smell, engorged with the whispered prayers of kneeling mothers, drooling newborns, and fools! Young and old, compelled to do good without reason. But, i'm happy to point out, our story does not end in this wretched place of sacchar, in excess. For there is another place, its opposite, a place of almost unimaginable power, chock full of dark forces and vicious secrets. No prayers dare enter this frightful maw. Spirits there care not for good deeds or priestly implications, theirs' like to rip the flesh from your bone as greet you with a happy good-day! These spirits in this hidden land of unmuffled screams and broken hearts, will offer up a power so vast that its bearer may reorder the Earth itself to his liking. Now this place I speak of, is known as The Black Lodge, and I intend to find it." - Wyndom Earle

1 comment:

breanne! said...

i feel really stupid.
i thought you wrote this stuff.